LenSx Technology

Alcon’s LenSx Femtosecond Laser Technology

Eye Care Patient Education for The Villages and Ocala, FL

Cataract surgery and astigmatism correction has become a common and almost routine procedure for ophthalmologists. A cataract is a natural lens that develops over the human eye and becomes opaque, causing discoloration and difficultly seeing correctly. The ophthalmologist makes small incisions into the cataract using laser means, and removes the cataract material.

Alcon's LenSx’s femtosecond laser technology had been added to Dr. Hunt's cataract surgery and astigmatism correction practices. Alcon's LenSx is a revolutionary and innovative procedure exclusive to Dr. Hunt and the Ocala, Fl area. This new technology is so precise, the LenSx laser equipment allows an accurate and consistent cataract surgery while minimizing any threat of human error or unpredictability. With the femtosecond laser, the ophthalmologist uses the LenSx laser to make small incisions into cornea and then into the cataract, after which the cataract material is removed with an ultrasound and vacuum. 

While cataract surgery has always been a relatively safe and incident-free procedure, there has always been some room for error with irregular incise and imprecise results. The Alcon's LenSx laser, however, cuts this margin of error into negligible fractions. The precision afforded by the Alcon's LenSx laser is thanks to a hyper fast, image-guided system that makes several of the necessary steps of a cataract surgery using a femtosecond laser pulse. Alcon's LenSx’s laser is programmed to assist and execute some of the most difficult aspects of cataract surgery procedures, including anterior capsulotomy, lens fragmentation, and all kinds of corneal incisions.

The laser pulse that actually performs the incision is frighteningly fast. For perspective, a femtosecond is measured as one millionth of one billionth, of a second. The laser does its work so quickly that there is zero chance of the eye changing or moving and resulting in irregular incisions or irregularities in the operation. Also, the image-guidance of the laser ensures that results can be duplicated time and time again; making the cataract incision procedures afforded by Dr. Hunt’s practice even more dependable and effective than before.

Check out Dr. Hunt's press release to learn more about this procedure.

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